News | Eighteen Rabbit Fair Trade


Time to ditch your phone for a Fairphone?

by Andrew Williams | October 22, 2014 | 0 Comments

We were delighted to be visited yesterday by our good friend Derek from Hay Deli, our local emporium for all things organic, fresh and sausage roll shaped. He was showing off his newest bit of kit - a mobile phone with a difference.


The Fairphone is a relatively new addition to the mobile phone market, but it certainly struck a chord with us. It aims to be a truly fair competitor to the likes of the iPhone which have, let's just say, a slightly sketchy backstory. The commitment to fairness starts at the mining stage, where the raw materials for the phone are extracted, and goes through the design and manufacturing process, continuing through to look at the life cycle of the device and what happens when it's past its sell by date. As well as supporting the rights of workers and the environment throughout the production process, Fairphone also operate as a social enterprise, ensuring that any profits are reinvested in the project, not split up amongst shareholders. 

We loved the design, and the phone itself seemed like a really solid piece of kit. But the real clincher with Fairphone is the story behind the product. Find out for yourself at and look out for the hashtag on Twitter - #WeAreFairphone. 

Tagged: eighteen rabbit, fairness, fairphone, fairtrade, phone

How fair do you think you are?

by Andrew Williams | September 29, 2014 | 0 Comments

The great British sense of "fair play" is a concept that comes up a lot when discussing the state of our nation today - along with stiff upper lips, queueing, and always saying "sorry" even if it's not your fault. It can be difficult to pin down what exactly we mean by fairness, and looking around us at the clear inequality in the world it can sometimes seem like a hollow boast. 


Well - now is your chance to find out how fair you are, thanks to the good folk at the Fairtrade Foundation!


You can take their test to give yourself a score which will either give you a warm glow in your sense of fair play or perhaps leave you with a slightly guilty feeling that you're letting the side down. We scored a pretty respectable score which makes us "Action Heroes" according to the Fairtrade Foundation. However there is never any room for complacency - let us know what you score!

Tagged: eighteen rabbit, fairness, fairtrade