Greetings | Eighteen Rabbit Fair Trade



by Ruth Hayden | December 09, 2022 | 0 Comments

Greetings from Ruth, Szilvia and Layla!

Make that Season's Greetings as Christmas has suddenly snuck up on us.

With that in mind, I am posting a quick update ;

Opening hours are as usual until the week of the 19th December

Monday 19th December 11 am-4pm

Tuesday 20h December 11 am -4pm

Wednesday 21st December11am-7pm

Thursday 22nd December 10am-7 pm

Friday 23rd December 11am-7pm

2Saturday 24th 10am until whenever the last customer goes home. :)



After Christmas, we will be closed on Boxing Day 26th, then open as usual until New Year's Day.


In January, we will open at weekends and Thursday mornings.



A quick note to our lovely customers-by buying fair Trade, you are helping to promote the community of artisans and producers worldwide who supply our stock.

We have curious cats from Katmandu, spotty dogs and dinos too-and, even the odd dragon or two-in Eighteen Rabbit!

There are socks, bamboo and cotton, Recycled aluminium bowls from India and recycled glasses from up the road in Brilley-local and lovely.

Octopus rattles from Bangladesh, Jenipher's coffi grown in Uganda and roasted in South Wales. Unusual and good value. There is much more, but please come and see yourselves!

Bright and beautiful earrings from South Africa, India and Peru.Delightful rubber wood toys from Sri Lanka-no plastic involved.

There is much more, but please come and see for yourselves!

Most communities have been hard hit not only by covid and its aftermath but also by the devastation and hardship brought about by climate change. and increased costs of everything.

Wales was the first Fair Trade Nation, and Hay on Wye is a Fair Trade town, so please support us and buy fair trade-as; it says in our window-"Do Good Today."

Thank you, and Merry Christmas, Nadolig Lawen


And a Happy New Year,Blwydden Newydd Dda

Ruth Szilvia and Layla.


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